
Oral Presentations (selection)

  • Strupler M. Insights into peri-alpine lake geohazards through multidisciplinary techniques. Invited oral presentation, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). 14.12.2023.

  • Strupler, M. Assessing the lacustrine landslide- and tsunami hazard. Invited oral presentation, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Granada (Spain). 27.10.2023.

  • Strupler, M. Exploring geohazards in peri-alpine lakes using a combination of geophysical, geological, and modelling methods. Invited oral presentation, Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica, Universidad de Granada, Granada (Spain). 26.10.2023.

  • Strupler, M., Bürgler, M., Vetsch, D., and Kremer, K. Integrated Hazard Assessment of Lake Tsunamis Triggered by Subaqueous and Subaerial Landslides. 9th International Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference, London, September 12th-14th, 2023.

  • Strupler, M., Anselmetti, F., Bacigaluppi, P., Boes, R., Bürgler, M., Kremer, K., Seidelmann, L., Vetsch, D. & Wiemer, S. TSUNAMI-CH - Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt. 12. Naturgefahrenkonferenz des BAFU 2021, Bern, 22. Juni 2021.

  • Strupler, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Hilbe, M., Kremer, K. & Wiemer, S. A workflow for the rapid assessment of the landslide-tsunami hazard in peri-alpine lakes. 9th ISSMMTC Meeting, virtual version, June 21-23, 2021.

  • Strupler, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Hilbe, M., Kremer, K. & Wiemer, S. Rapid-screening of the landslide-tsunami hazard in perialpine lakes. 34th IAS meeting, Rome. 2019.

  • Strupler, M. & Gilli, A. Neue Bathymetrie und hochaufgelöste Sedimentdaten aus dem Zürichsee. Geologische Gesellschaft Zürich, Zürich, 2018.

  • Strupler, M., Hilbe, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Kopf, A.J., Fleischmann, T. & Strasser, M. Probabilistic stability evaluation of submerged slopes in Lake Zurich (Switzerland) and seismic triggering scenarios. EGU Meeting, Vienna, 2016.


  • Strupler, M., Bacigaluppi, P., Kremer, K., Evers, F., Cauzzi, C., Vetsch, D., Kopf, A., Boes, R., Faeh, D., Anselmetti, F.S. & Wiemer, S. Classification of the tsunami potential in perialpine lakes, based on simple parameters. 12th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2021, Bergen, Norway. Virtual Poster presentation.

  • Strupler, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Bacigaluppi, P., Boes, R.M., Kremer, K., Vetsch, D.F., Wiemer, S. Designing a probabilistic workflow for the assessmentof the earthquake-triggered landslide-tsunami hazard along the shores of perialpine lakes. 18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Zurich 2020. Virtual Poster presentation.

  • Strupler, M., Kremer, K., Anselmetti, F.S. & Wiemer, S. A conceptual approach for the rapid screening of the tsunami hazard in Swiss lakes. EGU Meeting, Vienna. 2019.

  • Strupler, M., Kremer, K., Anselmetti, F.S., Razmi, A. & Wiemer, S. A first step towards an extensive estimation of the tsunami hazard in Swiss lakes. Swiss GeoScience Meeting, Bern. 2018.

  • Strupler, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Hilbe, M., Fleischmann, T., Kopf, A.J. & Strasser, M. Probabilistic stability evaluation of submerged slopes in Lake Zurich. CHQuat-Meeting, Zurich. 2016.

  • Strupler, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Hilbe, M., Fleischmann, T., Kopf, A.J. & Strasser, M. Geotechnical properties of submerged slopes in Lake Zurich and the influence of their spatial variability on slope stability. 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel. 2015.

  • Strupler, M., Hilbe, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Kopf, A.J., Fleischmann, T. & Strasser, M. Spatial variability of geotechnical properties on submerged slopes in Lake Zurich. 7th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Wellington, NZ. 2015.

  • Strupler, M., Schwestermann, T., Hilbe, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Strasser, M. A new high-resolution bathymetric map of Lake Zurich. 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Fribourg. 2014.

  • Praet, N., Moernaut, J., Van Daele, M., Kempf, P., Haeussler, P., Strupler, M. & De Batist, M. 2014. A first step in constructing a long multi-lake paleoseismic record in Southern Alaska for revealing the recurrence rate of megathrust earthquakes along the Alaskan-Aleutian subduction zone. EGU Meeting, Vienna. 2014.

  • Strupler, M., Moernaut, J., Haeussler, P., De Batist, M. & Bender, A. 2012. A reconnaissance survey of southern Alaskan lakes by high-resolution reflection seismics and short sediment coring – a first step towards a calibrated lacustrine paleoseismometer at the Alaskan-Aleutian subduction zone. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. 2012.

  • Zielhofer, C., Fletcher, W., Mischke, S. Bussmann, J., Stele, A., Lauer, T. Mikdad, A., De Rycker, K., De Batist, M. & Strupler, M. Late Quaternary geomorphological and environmental response to rapid hydrological cycles in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco. 2012.

  • Strupler, M., Versteeg, W., Hilbe, M., Van Daele, M., Moernaut, J., De Batist, M., Renner, F. & Anselmetti, F.S. Mapping and interpreting subaquatic moraines in Lake Lucerne. 20th Meeting of Swiss Sedimentologists, Fribourg. 2011.